Therefore, the prognostic values of the number of metastatic lymph nodes in the peri-esophageal nodes, the intrapulmonary nodes, and the celiac nodes were assessed. However, there is limited data concerning the prognostic value of the number of metastatic lymph nodes in esophageal cancer. The location and number of metastatic lymph nodes have prognostic value in gastric cancer. how to open files from matlab .The prognostic value of the number of metastatic lymph nodes in esophageal cancer after curative resection. JI have installed MATLAB R2013a and MATLAB R2013a script files are still asking me for the license file. Matlab 2011a is not working properly for me. Please make sure that you have a valid license file. . You cannot use License.xlm if your Matlab installation is not licensed. I had moved matlab to the root directory of my user account and then Matlab was not recognized. 22954840 Novemby comment in Numerical methods in scientific computing, Rond delivered a talk at the Cambridge Centre for Numerical Mechanics, UK, on Wednesday, 18 November. Open Matlab application and connect to your university network. . How to use Matlab 2011a license key? Download License.xlm file and install it properly on your computer. In this post I have to provide you Matlab 2011a License File because without this software there is no chance to run MATLAB and start to do .